Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Visitor

Title - The Visitor
Rating - PG 13
Actors - Richard Jenkins, Haaz Sleiman, Danai Jekesai Gurira,
Directed By- Thomas McCarthy
Recommendation? Still in theatres. . . you could easily wait for DVD
Length - 1 hour 43 minutes

This movie is getting the independent film critics attention. The story is about a 60'ish boring, old, sad, college professor who lives in CT and owns an apartment in NYC. One day he shows up to his New York City apartment and is surprised by 2 illegal immigrants living in his furnished home. The immigrants had been scammed and led to believe they had legally rented the property. Rather than throw the young immigrant couple into the street, the professor allows them to stay for a short time. They become friends, and the unlikely friends learn that we are all human beings and can easily relate to one another if we only try.

I give this movie 4.5 stars out of 5. I did like the movie. Heartfelt. A little sad. A touching movie about people and their lives. A touch of melancholy with a dash of love.

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