Rating - PG
Actors - Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan, Seth Rogen
Directed By- Mark Osborne, John Stevenson
Recommendation? In theatres. . .WAIT for DVD. Unless, you MUST go to a kid's movie
Length - 1 hour 32 minutes
A kid's movie. You know the drill. This movie is good, nothing sensational. As we move farther into the millennium, the graphics and colors in these computer animated movies become more and more spectacular.
Jack Black is the main character. He puts his own 'Jack Black' spin on this chubby, lovable Panda. The movie does have some funny moments, and over all the movie is entertaining.
But. . . . when did "going to a movie" begin to compare to going to a concert? Holy hell! I took myself, my 10 year old, and my 4 year old to a MATINEE ( before 6 p.m.). We of course needed popcorn, if you get popcorn you gotta get drinks ( we shared a large ), and some candy. The total cost of this outing was well over $50.00 !!!!
I definitely don't like to think of myself as some kind of 'cheap ass', but. . . .wow!!! I am at a real crossroads as to how I want to design my movie experiences. I LOVE MOVIES and here are my options:
A) See the 'new releases' in new theatres. Deal with the ever continuing raising of admission prices, increasing drink & popcorn prices, and potentially ( 50/50 chance ) deal with some annoying person in the crowd
B) Go see the movie in a 'dollar theatre'. When I was a kid, you'd could go to a discount movie theatre and see movies that are about to leave the box office for $1.00. Now, the discount is $3.00 each. Still a bargain comparatively. But, still may have to deal with some idiot in the crowd. Maybe even more so?
C) Wait until DVD. I can rent the dvd for $5.00. I can even buy the DVD for $15.99 at Wal Mart the day it is released. Blockbuster even runs their "4 for $20.00" specials if I'm willing to wait.
I think I'm seriously leaning towards option C. I can't really think of a compelling argument to view all the movies in new theatres? I love going to the movies, I love movies, but as I went through our categorized bills for 2007, we spent almost $700.00 last year at movie theatres. I could more than likely cut that in half sticking to DVDs only, not deal with anyone super irritating(other than the potential child of mine), sit on my couch, and actually put the big screen HD to use.
I think when you are about to make a decision like this it needs to be consistently honored. I guess there would be the every once in awhile special occasion, but why? Why not just ALWAYS and ONLY see movies on DVD? Why not REFUSE to go to a theatre? I took myself and 2 kids to a movie. What if Michelle and my other 2 came along as well? Are we now talking about $100.00 just to see something mildly entertaining as 'Kung Fu Panda'? WTH?
If you have an opinion or thoughts, let me know :)
I do recommend this movie, IF you have kids. I can't see why anyone would watch this unless you were with kids? But, to each their own. I give this movie 3.75 stars out of 5.
Jeez, look who became the grumpy old man!
Just kidding. For real, I feel for you. I don't think SLC movie prices have quite climbed as high as elsewhere in the country, but if you want to take the kids to a movie, you're still going to drop a chunk of change.
I'm a dicky dad that doesn't let my kids drink soda (in part because I know firsthand how bad it sucks to grow up as a fat kid), so that saves a little dough, and we go ghetto and sneak home-popped popcorn in (I'm also a dicky dad who hates artificial butter flavor). But yeah, tickets alone are getting crazy.
As Blu-Ray gets more and more accessible, and home theaters get easier to customize and make nice, and with downloadable movies a few internet clicks away....theaters better start rethinking their business model.
Thank you Lord. . .that I was born in 1973. . .and my dad isn't Ryan Springer
I like to encourage smuggling food and drink and anything else worthwhile into the theatre. I wonder if I could hide my 4 year old under my shirt?
Hey Sonny, it's Valerie Salima. I totally agree with option C. I do however go out to a movie about 3 times a year just to do something different, but with Redbox renting them for $1 a night, and knowing I would be cheesed off to pay $10 a person to see something like 'Fools Gold', I just rent a movie and microwave some popcorn and its perfection. Plus I can wait until my kids are asleep, no need to hire a babysitter. I always think to myself, for the cost of that movie I could have bought a shirt or something that will last longer than 2 hours or so. But maybe that's cause I'm a girl.
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