I don't know who to root for? Chicago Cubs or AZ Diamondbacks? I'm not much of a MLB fan, but I do kind of like both teams. I've been to Wrigley Field a few times, and it is an experience everyone should get. The Cubs are the loveable losers. Red,white, and blue. Chicago, my favorite city I've been to so far. It would be nice to see the 'curse' lifted.
I was fortunate enough to be at game 7 in the 2001 World Series here in Phoenix. The Diamondbacks won the evil empire NY Yankees 2-1. An old friend, Jayson Bonino and I slept out on the streets with 10,000 other Arizona fans in hopes of getting tickets. Our seates were WAY upper level, but it didn't matter. It was shortly after the 9/11 (inside job) and during the National Anthem, I don't think there was a dry eye in the place. Everyone was choked up with the sureal moment of how lucky we are to be Americans. Then, as the singer finished the Anthem, a B 52 Stealth Bomber cruised overhead. It seemed like I could've almost reached out and touched it. This night will definetly go down as one of my top moments on this earth.
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